Background music for businesses that want it all
The most songs, playlists, and stars.
Play them any way you want.
The most music
the music you need
100 million songs is the world's biggest catalog by far. We give you everything you need to play the hits, rare finds and favorites your customers and staff will love. You're legal and playing the music you want.
Play what you want,
when you want
Enjoy total control over your music and make playlists like you're used to. Soundtrack is the only commercial music service that lets you play exactly the songs you want, completely on demand.
No time to pick the songs? We've got you covered
Spotify playlists
Drag in any Spotify playlist and make it legal for your business, or create a station that adds similar music to some of those songs.
Soundtrack playlists
Pick from over 1,000 playlists for business types, seasons and situations, or search for your favourite artists to find related playlists.
AI Playlist Generator
Instantly generate playlists to match any business setting or event. Enter a short description of the scenario and within seconds our AI will generate a custom playlist based on your input.
Try it nowBuilt for your
Drag and drop playlists onto your calendar and they'll automatically play when they should. It's one less thing to worry about when the doors open.
Explicit filter and song block
Keep things family-friendly with an explicit lyrics filter that you activate with a click. Hear a song you don't like? Block it and it never plays again.
Central control
Whether you have one location or many, it's easy to see and control everything that's playing, and limit unsupervised streaming from employees' devices.
More than streaming music
Soundtrack Your Brand | Personal streaming | |
100 million songs | true | maybe |
Song-by-song playlist creation | true | true |
Artist playlists | true | true |
Explicit lyric filter | true | true |
Legal for business | true | false |
Scheduling | true | false |
Ready-made playlists for business | true | false |
Centralized music management | true | false |
Thousands of playlists and stations. It's licensed music for your business made easy.
Licenses for business use
1,000+ Soundtrack playlists
Thousands of artist playlists
Custom stations built for your brand
Drag-and-drop scheduling
Explicit lyric filter
/ per zone and month
Try Soundtrack risk-free for 14 days.
No credit card required.
Play whatever, whenever, legally. Make your own playlists from any songs in the catalog.
Everything in Essential plus:
Play exactly what you want
Take any songs from our massive catalog and turn them into playlists
Save time by editing what’s already there
Add or remove songs from the 1,000+ ready-made playlists to make them yours
Make your Spotify playlists legal
Just drag them into the app to legally play them in your business
Play offline
Licenses to store and play music offline
/ per zone and month
Try Soundtrack risk-free for 14 days.
No credit card required.
Support and service designed for businesses with 20 or more zones.
Everything in Essential or Unlimited plus:
Assisted onboarding
Priority support
Billing options
Dedicated account manager